Electronic warranty lookup

Genuine Product Stamp EMC

Tem chính hãng EMC

  • Stamps with EMC logo – EMC logo and trademark have been registered for protection at the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam.
  •  Products are provided and genuine warranty by EMC Vietnam – with product history book.
  •  Genuine products sold by EMC and its authorized dealers.
  •  Genuine stamps have the same specifications and forms as in the picture above. Stamps are affixed on the product and on the product history book.
  •  Each product is only allowed to activate the warranty once.

Product Activation By SMS

Compose a message according to the syntax: EMCspaceMBAspaceCODE_NUMBER sent to number 8077.

*The machine number is already printed on the body, machine label and factory book

Example: EMC MBA 123456789X1

Results returned:

a) When the genuine product is switched on: The switchboard will return the product’s information. (Figure 1)

Tra Cuu Sms 1 Emc

b) When the genuine product has not been switched on: The switchboard will return a message saying that the product has not been activated. (Figure 2)

Tra Cuu Sms 2 Emc

c) When the product is fake or the customer sends the wrong serial number: The switchboard reports an error. (Figure 3)

Tra Cuu Sms 3 Emc

Product Lookup On EMC Website

Step 1: Go to website emcthuduc.com.vn , on the toolbar at the main screen, select the item “TRANSFORMER”.

Step 2: Customers only need to enter the code (machine number already printed on the body, machine label and factory book) in the “Lookup” box, then the product information will appear such as: machine number, product name product, power-on date, warranty period, warranty expiration date.

Tra Cuu Web 2 Emc

  • Case 1: Your phone number information is a genuine product of EMC.

Tra Cuu Web 3

  • Case 2: Your phone number information is not correct.

Tra Cuu Emc Nodata

  • Step 3: Then, the customer compares the above result with relevant information about the product that the customer currently has (economic contract, ex-factory note, financial invoice, …), see the information. whether the information is the same or relevant.

Please contact us when you need support or advice in the field of transformers, please contact the hotline for support.